It’s like I’ve been down so long that I’ve retreated so fully into a fantasy of what my life will be like when things get better that I can’t seem to do anything to actually make it better anymore.
It’s like I’ve been down so long that I’ve retreated so fully into a fantasy of what my life will be like when things get better that I can’t seem to do anything to actually make it better anymore.
Good news to report (finally)! I finally got hired, by that place whose bureaucracy was driving me bonkers. I start training in less than 2 weeks.
would be a hell of a lot less offensive if there were MORE successful actresses and actors of Asian descent, African American, Native American, Latino descent. . . .and a hell of a lot more rich stories (or even stupid romantic comedy stories) being told about people who are not white as the driven snow.
Got this from a fan fiction I’ve had my nose buried in lately:
I only wish that;
+1 for AC gif
It was awful. And it’s just exhausting how often prestige drama feels like a contest to put your characters through the most awful, torturous, degrading experiences possible. For female characters, that plays out with rape scene after rape scene. Sometimes you wonder if they’re just sitting around those writers’ rooms…
*deep breath*
That family has a host of “sexy genes”. This is what we call it in the scientific community. I believe it’s an evolutionary mutation
I am loving the uber short jaunt from this:
That being said, good job on the Kung Jin for sticking it out. The best part about these online spamlords is that their inside game is usually a mess and their defense is tissue paper.
“Not a inconvenience but a human life”
I realize it’s just a stock photo, but I really wish this pizza was from a nearby place so I could go there, NOW.
House closing got pushed back until Tuesday because the seller still has a bunch of shit to fix. I am trying, very hard, not to hate this house. I truly feel like my mom picked it out of desperation. It doesn’t have a garage, and the rooms are really, really small (less than half the size of my current room, which is…
Yep. Definitely illegal in some states. Or if they ask you to log onto your account, so they can scroll through it, WITH YOU WATCHING. I’m not sure if standards are different if you are going into law enforcement, or into a job requiring a clearance.
If it’ll make you feel better, know that the ancestors of those slaves can at least trace their family trees back that far (provided good records were kept and names weren’t changed. Many Black people have problems trying to get to the bottom of their own histories because most people didn’t keep great records on…
. . .
Reason #3: My people keloid, and that shit ain’t pretty.
Girl, you and me both. If I had actual marketable skills, I would have tapped the fuck out of this country right after college.