I have to say, I am about at the end of my goddamn rope trying to deal with bigoted, scared ass White people and their delicate fucking constitutions.
I have to say, I am about at the end of my goddamn rope trying to deal with bigoted, scared ass White people and their delicate fucking constitutions.
If it’s just something you’re doing for socialization purposes, this place could also work for that (although it would be kind of far for you):
I humbly request that all future dude fights be this jovial and pretty.
Sadly the “right stuff” means “high school diploma and an IQ between 100 and 110, but NEVER more than that.”
A 73 year old insurance exec gave a bunch of money to the Tulsa sheriff’s department and was allowed to go out on a raid to pick up a suspected drug dealer.
The guy wearing the shirt isn’t brown, but asian(as in japanese/chinese, etc).
Well, not literally literally.
Here ya go:
Literally my first response: “and it had to be a brown person, too. The fuck is wrong with you, man?!”
This made me laugh hysterically.
To me, he is saying one of two things: “sex with me is a ‘blink and you’ll miss it’ kind of terrible” or “I only fuck unconscious women.”
Very true. Major upside was that they live streamed all the artist sets and stages this year.
More random Coachella live feed musings:
I’ve been intermittently watching the Coachella live feed:
Yes. He is most assuredly one of those “sing your panties right off” men. My obsession with tall, lanky dudes continues unabated.
I was just thinking to myself, “let’s try a MAJOR switch up: let’s make the female lead Black.”
Well, considering those views are highly unlikely to result in those people getting shot at by a cop, or increase their likelihood of going to state prison for petty, non-violent offenses . . . I’m gonna go ahead and call that simple “prejudice” instead.
Truly, it is just what the world needs now: racism, with a heaping side of bitchiness.
Something something “great minds” something something (my post went up at the exact same time as yours).