LogicFail: Go Fuck a Tree 2020

I swear to Dog, this whole post needs a “breaking news! Scientists have discovered water is wet! Full story at 11.”

Oh ma gah, that second gif.

Damn, them white man baby tears are the worst.

I have a skin condition that technically counts as an auto-immune disorder. Because of this skin condition, I also have to occasionally take immuno-suppressant therapy.

I don't... I just don't understand this joke. :-/

Yeah, yeah, I know #NotAllGamers, but . . .

Now playing

Anyone who thinks dancers and gymnasts aren't athletes or athletic ought to try it for themselves.

Ya know, I consider this much, much better than what I ended up doing when some boy that "liked me" wouldn't leave me the hell alone in grade school: bending him backward over the teacher's desk and choking him, while she still sitting there. The beauty of it was he was the one that ended up getting the pink slip

Just so I don't melt into a pool of impotent rage, I am going to soothe myself by posting this cute video of some Kappas (originally posted by Sinshine16 on Gawker):

Time for another episode of "Downside/Upside"!

Only certain kinds of scars are cool I guess. People look down on you if you have self-harm scars :(.

Fucking. Vocal. Fry. Why would anyone purposely make a character this fucking annoying?

Before reading this story, I thought that was a guy's neck.

How many men responded "What? Nobody likes me and if they do, what is their motive?"

"I'm still trying to remember HOW TO WALK," the baby said. "Remembering TO TIME MY BREATHS WHILE SINGING, TO SPEAK, TO WALK AND ENUNCIATE WHILE SINGING."

I am copy/pasting from yesterday's post because I am lazy:

He wasn't brought up the way you were brought up and I was brought up through love of this country

Kind of?

*makes a face*

Thanks for that.