LogicFail: Go Fuck a Tree 2020

I need to know exactly where this place is so I can eat there and then be sad.

Literally me right now.

What is is about hot guys covered in blood?

"Men have a high center of gravity, broad shoulders, and narrow hips. Because of this we'll tip over if we sit with our legs together"

Skip to my lou, my darlin'. . .

Exactly. You're a college graduate, and don't have an email address? And you don't know that your work has access to emails to and from your work account?

No, no . . . got plenty of pillows.

Hmm, a bit too bony to make a good pillow. =/

This is BS.

Hmm, someone made a gif where his eyes turn black as he says this. I wish I could find it. For some reason, I find it so much hotter.

You know y'all wrong . . .

yeah i am, i need to start taking my meds more regularly, i definitely slack and sort of cycle through, and i definitely fuck myself over when things start going well. i am a super self sabotager, but now all the little things feel hard again :/

*makes that stupid face again*

*makes a face*

It's so unfair. All I wanted for my birthday (today) was Tom Hiddleston (consensually, of course), a roll of self-binding tape, and an hour. Is that so much to ask universe?!

I am of two minds on this issue:

Looks like one of those neck pillows people use when they travel.

Counter argument.

So basically, it would be like that show Supernatural, where God literally noped right the fuck outta there.