LogicFail: Go Fuck a Tree 2020

Or word vomiting . . .

Dear Republican politicians,

Completely cosigned on this.

Wow, Bugs has a great center of gravity here.

Not just any saltines tho. It has to be SkyFlakes.

Dammit Jezebel, stop giving me reasons to post this gif (but really though, don't ever change).

Hmm, I'd actually assumed lady troll (note: I basically assume everyone on here is a woman unless otherwise informed).

Oh God. It would be like, many years from now, Tom Hiddleston saying something like he "hated" playing Loki, and trying to distance himself from it.

Yep, it's basically "confirmation bias," but for bigots.

Pics or it didn't happen.

Oh damn, one of those looks like it's in my old college town, Davis.

I am waiting for the Dirt Bag blind item that reveals he's a "switch."

It is so unfair to me that someone could be that sexy while just blinking.

This begs the question: is Brandon Boyd still hot?

No it is not actual bleach. It is a cream, usually containing the chemical hydroquinone. There are also other chemicals that could be used to lighten the skin, such as tretinoin, which is usually used in prescription acne creams (I used something called Retin-A in high school to get rid of hyper-pigmentation due to

Preferably of nut cancer, or something that renders your genitalia as useless as you are as a person.

Oh God, they're like little Gremlins.

He vaguely looks like Jeremy Renner.

But thanks so much for your input. Always appreciated.