LogicFail: Go Fuck a Tree 2020

If you decide to go the "creamy crack" route, your curls will definitely come back. It's just that at some point you will have do decide, if you want to go back to natural, if you are going to do the big chop or not. I went with big chop cause soooooooo much easier than trying to work with two different types of

Holy crapoly you dodged a bullet there.

I am also considering chopping mine all off (or returning to a life of the "creamy crack"). My hair seriously looks like a nest of some sort right now (I haven't washed it in WEEKS. It's disgusting, I know).

I was almost named Dixie. A Black woman, named Dixie.

Now playing

Jackasses like this guy are just forever telling bullied kids to "grow a pair," but when one of these kids ends up "growing a pair" of shot guns and going Columbine one someone, you just know this mayor's bitch ass will be the first one yelling "OMG KIDS THESE DAYS SO VIOLENT" and "I DIDN'T KNOW THE KID WAS BEING

Mmm, he has such pretty hands. *has a weird thing for nice hands*

Took my third LSAT practice test today. My score still isn't rising. I was looking at my scores, and I swear it's like I went through the test and was literally picking the wrong answers on purpose.

Hmm. I think I would go the route of taking pics of them with my cell, warning them to stop and threatening to post their photos online along with a lengthy description of the dumb-ass thing they did (not the minor though, cause, minor). In the age of social media, I feel like a very real threat of public shaming

Sparseness of shop=I probably cannot afford it.

I use Nutrogena "visibly even," it costs maybe ten bucks a container. Has spf 30, and some soy-related crap that evens out my skin tone (I have been getting comments on my skin since I started using it at the beginning of the year). I also bought a similar product at Walmart for nine dollars, but it only has spf 15

I'd say "go home Franco, you're drunk," but he may have actually been at home when he took this.

They get dumped when my vaginal fluid inevitably bleaches the front. I have lost so many pairs of undies this way. I'd just use those pantyliners, but then I end up with that whole "steamy swamp ass" issue.

In all things re: Joan Rivers

To be honest, he creeped my shit right the hell out even as a child. My brain was constantly going "stranger danger" whenever he was on screen.

Reminds me of Pepe Le Pew

Someday, I want a friendship just like this.

Now playing

Reminds me of how I was totally lusting after the hot Jesus in Lady Gaga's "Judas" video.

Holy leaps in logic Batman!

Oh God. Now I am imagining him and Daniel Craig going head to head in a battle of whits. *wipes drool off face*