At a bare minimum there would be a roll of bondage tape, and a collar & leash.
At a bare minimum there would be a roll of bondage tape, and a collar & leash.
Oooh, Hiddles with a collar.
Okay, I'll bite.
I have been cackling at this for a few minutes now. Thank you.
I STILL don't understand how I got to the "omg Hiddles" place. He has lured me with his siren song. O_O
My mom put me on MetaboLife (remember that one guys).
My God, I would literally sell my soul to be kissed/wanted like that (helps that I don't think of myself as having a soul).
Mostly just stuff about whether I was ever involved in a gang, ever stole anything, if I was purposely trying to lie to them, etc. Just basic shit to gauge my "trustworthiness."
I don't care if it is or isn't "technically pizza." It looks gross. It probably tastes gross. I do not like my pizza sauce on top. It needs to be HIDDEN! O_O
Probation officer.
HAHAHAHA . . . "anymore."
Dear cops of the United States:
So basically: rural, white America, but still solidly middle/upper middle class.
I'm 29. I've pretty much tried to make peace with the fact that this might be something that just does not happen for me. Unlike you, I have a bunch of cards in the deck stacked against me (child sexual abuse, history of depression and anxiety related to that fact [and other factors], never being able to explain to…