LogicFail: Go Fuck a Tree 2020

She is such a dweeb.

Sarah, please just stop it. Stop it right now.

I took it for around 6 months (generic version). I felt okay with it, but I couldn't deal with one of it's nasty side effects, a combination of extreme dry mouth that had everything I put in my mouth tasting wrong, even plain old water. I dropped like 50 pounds when I was on it. Weight loss is fine, but not as a

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I know, I love that he's reading it a story. I want him to read me a bedtime story. and put me to bed. And...droool.

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*hangs head in shame*
*turns in feminist card*

I am once again late to the party but: Ba'al from Stargate: SG-1 would be a super interesting villain to build a movie around.

I want a friendship like that so badly.

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I for one am shocked that A&E would be so wishy-washy and look out solely for their bottom line.

Never, ever change, Burt. <3


You forgot Easter. You can't forget Easter.

The only after Christmas sale I care about is all of that sweet half price Christmas candy.

I feel the same, but extend it to actually hanging out with people. My friend is coming down to my area after Christmas, and I seriously want to either mysteriously go M.I.A., or just tell her I'm not interested in hanging out. I feel like there is literally noting new to say: my life hasn't gotten better, nothing

I read that as "red cap."

Top comment: "bleep blorp bloop MUSLIN. Blah blah blah OPEN YOUR EYES AMERICA. Whiiiine 'Obummer.'"

This is why I want a dog so badly.

I figured that as well. But these tweets are comedy gold.

Dog is totally thinking, "let me love you! Why won't you let me love you? Mom, let go, I want to play."