Yep. Crap like this is the reason I literally don't bother anymore.
Yep. Crap like this is the reason I literally don't bother anymore.
But so many of the things they focused on after that conflicts so much with what they told me from pre-k to middle school. It was angrier, more hateful. I don't want that negativity in my life!
I wish I had a friendship like this.
This was the exact thought I had. Except I was also wondering it Hiddles had decent balance in high heels.
I wish I could like this more than once.
Non-item wishes: to finally turn the corner on my depression, and to get a job (preferably one I don't hate), because I have been unemployed for faaar too long.
It's about ten pm, and I am very bored.
Wooow . . . Miley is actually wearing Black people.
This, but replace with Michael Raymond James, who Played Rene Lenier on True Blood, mainly because OMG DAT ACCENT! (Note: I don't know if the accent is "authentic" since the last time I actually heard it spoken was that last time I was in Louisiana, which was well over a decade ago, but still, HAWT).
Requesting links to these fat acceptance blogs, cause I am too feeble-minded/lazy for requisite Google-fu.
Lorde is too young to appreciate good bourbon.
I am assuming it's backup singers. They usually hire backups that sound freakishly close to the "star" vocal tones. Alternatively, they could have been playing something like an overlay of some "better" version of her vocals, or her voice in studio, recorded specifically for her live performances. Never a good idea…
Silly rabbit, unborn children only. Everybody else can suck it.
Fucking coward. Made three women's lives a living Hell, and couldn't even last a few months in prison.
Someday, I hope to live in a world where a book that condones, advocates for, and teaches how to commit acts of violence against specific groups of people, will be considered hate speech, and therefore not protected under that 1st Amendment these assholes keep trotting out.
What I got from that was "men are nothing more than broodmares completely devoid of rational thought, self-control, and humanity, so you fucking sluts need to cover up so we stop assaulting/raping/harassing you."
I literally just came to this post to say this exact thing.