LogicFail: Go Fuck a Tree 2020

Yes, because she went on ahead and named herself AT BIRTH.

What's sad is, a lot of these things I should have been taught in grade school, I didn't actually get exposure to until I went to college, and that was only because I took a major in Sociology.

Yeah, it's pretty bad. Sounds more like something Rihanna would put out. Makes me wonder who the hell wrote it.

If you like ice cream: http://www.mashtimalones.com/

So, for the past day or so, I have been having intermittent back spasms. It's messing up my sleep, and making me sad. I can't figure out what brought them on. My mom says it's probably because of the wellbutrin I started taking about 2 weeks ago. I really hope it isn't, cause I am tired of going in and out of the

This has been such a shit day for me. I went to the dentist today for severe tooth and gum pain on the top left side. I thought it was because a filling broke (I tried to floss and kept getting it stuck between my teeth), but it turned out fine. Later on today I was taking a test and the bottom left side started

I feel your pain. Seriously.

We need a word for the female version of the "Nice Guy," cause this is totally it.

But here's the thing, I'm not being pejorative, I'm not being dismissive, but I have to say I don't care.

Whitesplaining works. Also this.

Ideally, that would be lovely. In practice, good luck with making that happen in the next century or five.

John Scalzi has a very good takendown of why shithead Conservatives like this woman are actually perpetuating rape and rape culture by coming out with these dumbass laws (I was going to copy/paste the entire post, but it is very triggering):

I have spent the last ten minutes trying to watch this 2.5 munite video.

At least back in the day, they were being honest.

My mom fell out of bed. Her blood-sugar had dropped to 39. I ended up calling 911, and they shot her up with glucose. She's fine now, thank dog, but I keep thinking of all the variables that, if they hadn't fallen into place so perfectly, she might have died:

Now playing

Why do the dumbest people in this country insist on perpetually flapping their gums? Sigh.

I am honestly wondering how many more it will take until we FINALLY start at least looking into creating better gun control.

Idiots, really well paid idiots. Fuck if I know why.