Christ, you’re right, and that’s so depressing.
Christ, you’re right, and that’s so depressing.
This is so dangerous. Once someone from the administration says something, it becomes fact to a certain group of people. It doesn’t matter if they make an attempt to retract it (p.s. despite some articles I’ve been reading, I don’t see the above as a retraction, it’s almost more of a doubling down.)
I work within a 5 minute walk from the Oklahoma City Bombing memorial.
I encourage everyone to read up on Timothy McVeigh’s political ideology.
He was a white nationalist, isolationist, 2nd amendment enthusiast, distrustful of big government. He and Michael Fortier drew up the diagrams of how they would blow up the OKC…
It’s a good read, but Samuel L. Jackson’s delivery brings it to a new level.
See: every other claim Trump has made, ever.
I can’t wait for all the BENGHAZI! people to not talk about this. Ever.
Fuck off.
Lowry with a seasoned take.
For fucks sake, don’t want an abortion..........don’t get one!
This is what happen with refugees, you let them in and 60 years later they come back to bitch about your President. Sad !
Except we won’t. California, a blue state, produces the vast majority of domestic produce, but we don’t eat it ourselves. We feed the rest of the nation with it.
You guys, I had the craziest dream that Donald Trump not only ran for President but he won (lol)! You won’t believe the shit he said about sexually assaulting a bunch of women, an entire country being rapists, an entire religion being unwelcome in America, and somehow getting Mexico to pay for a border all (wtf,…
Hillary Clinton, Ivanka Trump and Tiffany Maples are all wearing white. I think The Mall is wearing it best.
I wish I could say I was surprised. Have these asshats ever read the Constitution? (Do they ever read? At all?) I feel like we need to have a basic skills test for them.
Let’s meet back here in four years to see how this fucking bet pays off.
it’d be nice if anyone actually gave a shit though.
I did not discuss this with the family as I keep my commenting hush-hush with the loved ones.
Good kinja
I’m hoping to the God I don’t believe in that somewhere out there is proof of Trump paying for a mistress’s abortion, waiting to be revealed. Based on the limited number of Trump supporters I know, “he’s the pro-life candidate” seems to be the only thing holding together their support for him.