Are guns an option? I think guns is the answer.
Are guns an option? I think guns is the answer.
Being a libertarian is the easy choice. it’s not like a libertarian will ever be elected in this country, so you can always say “don’t blame me, I didn’t vote for ___”. you can pick apart the policies of both parties and find fault and you never have to come up with a viable solution to real world issues because you…
Listen, you day glo fuckface, most of the country does know what we’re doing, which is why you’ve been met with such resistance. The problem is that we know you, thin skinned shitty butt fuck that you are, don’t know what you’re doing. We see the emperor’s new clothes. They’ve exposed your micropenis. We’re horrified.…
In his defense, most of the people on the “news” he “reads” and watches say exactly that. If you’re smarter than trump and not conning the fuck out of him (see also Putin, Vladimir and Pence, Mike) he won’t associate with you.
With like 2 exceptions, they all get more fedreal money than they give, so the blue states will pay for it anyway.
You mean, when trump gives himself the no bid contract at a 10000% mark up from market rate.
I’m thinking it will be a situation where he makes this a federal jobs training program, says obama enacted it, and it becomes something you have to do if you’re on any kind of public assistance. the right wing assholes will eat it up, and talk of repealing the 13th will be all the rage.
He said he’d create jobs. He never said these jobs would be voluntary.
It’s almost like he’s over-compensating for something.
Let me see if I understand this correctly...
If you were staring down the barrel of being the Browns first pick, wouldn’t you want your stock to drop?
They likely see marital rape as an impossibility, as once you’re married, it’s no longer rape.
I’m pretty sure about 70 million people wished he wouldn’t “settle” and just go on being the pompous polyp he’s always been.
The anti intellectual party has read some of the constitution. they got “I can say whatever I want” out of the first, and stopped reading after the second. this is the result.
I get a feeling that trump will look at the entire country staying home instead of witnessing his coronation as the greatest of undeserved slights, which results in a 4 year quest for vengeance against the American people.
Fuck this guy
Someone has to have a receipt, right?
Women should send their reps used feminine hygiene products and say “aren’t you proud that I didn’t get an abortion this month?”
At this point it’s not about ideals and about the jersey they’re wearing. these assholes would vote hillary in a half a second if she ran as a republican, and tell you everything they ever said about her is a liberal conspiracy to take our guns or murder babies/white people.
How do you say sieg hiel in french?