
How about when you vote to get rid of government subsidized health insurance, step one is starting with congress’s government subsidized health insurance?

I love how this will be the definitive proof of Booker’s corruption in 2020 if he runs against donald trump, who will be so corrupt that it will be impossible to focus on one instance.

The Trumps Go to Washington sounds like the perfect way to revive the Ernest franchise.

I’m at a point where it’s not even worth pointing out what a horrible garbage person trump is. We’re all gonna die, so fuck it. I’ve just stooped to letting his dimwit supporters know they’re gonna die along with us and it’s all their fault. I use big words when I do it too, so I get to see them squirm when they don’t

The same ones who scream about celebrities in politics elected a game show host who wouldn’t shut the fuck up about his shitty politics.

Of course. the uday and qusay are in. daughter eva braun is in. Gotta have the whole family in power so that they have the necessary experience to assume power when the despot dies. it’s how dictatorships work.

Why would they? And maybe worse, would it matter if they did? This is a full blown kleptocracy. They’re not even trying to hide it. 

I think from now on, all new history textbooks should include the phrase “After America lost the cold war in 2016...”

Yeah, I’m starting to think the GOP might be fill of shit

Something something states rights

Calling it now: this is the highlight of 2017

Aside from the fact that he’s a borderline-retarded narcissist hell bent on destroying most of the country for his own profit and the enrichment of his children like he was a 3rd world despot?

I’m really wondering what the endgame is in all this.

This is simple. Buy out your lease, and build a new stadium. All you need from the city is building permits.

These broads ought’ta shut up and dance. maybe if they’re lucky, president the donald will grab’em by the pussy. How dare they disrespect the troops like this. #benghazi #maga

Why did you vote for trump?

Looking forward to the party of small government hiring government agents as genital checkers.

To quote my “conservative” friends and family when people are nervous about police presence/stop-and-frisk, if you have nothing to hide, you have nothing to fear.

A tainted mind is a side effect of a roofie, if I’m not mistaken.

White people, am I right?