I had a whole thing typed up, but I can’t say it much better than this:
I had a whole thing typed up, but I can’t say it much better than this:
Yeah, I get that, which is why I’m asking. As someone living across the globe from them, why am I supposed to care more about Israel than Jordan or Uganda or France? Is it solely based on the holocaust? If so, why am I not supposed to care about Poland as much as Israel?
Can anyone explain why I am supposed to care more about Israel than other countries? genuinely asking, as I can’t seem to get an answer that doesn’t involve being called an antisemite and terrorist.
Trump could be the one to tell them to close the oven door behind them, and as they burnt to a crisp, their dying thoughts would be “fucking obama”
I freely admit the over-simplification. What do you suppose the “ape with heels” community would say if Michelle Obama accidently killed someone?
Starting with the future former Mrs trump, the last three first ladies are:
Good. Fuck trump. Sorry for everyone else that lives there, but seriously, fuck that guy.
There should be a massive festival of all the acts that wouldn’t play the inauguration that’s held during the inauguration across from trump tower as a big “fuck you” to the Cheeto Benito. It should be televised, maybe as a telethon for a charity trump/trumpenfluffers would hate.
We’re serving left over kool-aid from our hale-bop party.
When you want to think about how bad 2016 sucked, realize 2017 starts with trump being inaugurated and a Dallas Cowboys / New England Patriots super bowl.
I’ve started doing an impression of trump’s impression of the disabled reporter he mocked when I describe these dopes.
Fuck off, Charles.
How long before we hope the oval office is unpresidented?
Barack Obama should hold a press conference tomorrow and say that this is such a great idea, he’s going to enact equivalent measures for the incoming president.
What do we do about the guy who inpersonated a judge and allowed this affluenza horseshit to fly?
So after they lose the election, they’re all about reducing the power of the government. Ya know, I’m starting to think the Republicans might be full of shit.
I read through the comments with hope that you explained yourself out of being a douchebag. Alas, I leave disappointed.
Does this mean they’ll pay for their own fucking stadium now?
I celebrate Donny Hathaway’s entire catalog. I Know It’s You was my wedding song, despite the fact that its 6 minutes long, which is a long ass time to do the middle school two step.
So the election was rigged and the results are legit. Obama is both soft on immigration and deported record numbers of people. Hillary can’t be trusted because she gave speeches for pay at Goldman Sachs, but their executives are the best people for government positions.