
When did Zsasz start dressing as Johnny Depp at the end of Once Upon A Time In Mexico?

IMDB identifies the Scott Caan-looking Sweat Dog as Scott Caan, but he looked way too young (and jacked) to actually be Scott Caan.

A bit embarrassed to admit that I spent most of the episode mistaking Ayre Gross for Richard Schiff. The sentimental “aw, he’s back home” music cue when the character was left looking around the first room didn’t help much

Towards the beginning of season 1, I questioned Frankie’s phrasing “my dad” and other commenters said that it had been mentioned that Sam had kids by three different guys. Does this week’s episode walk that back?

She smelled the flower for the same reason as everyone ever. Her reaction to his question clued him in that it was a stupid thing to have asked, so he jokingly posited a reason that sounded appropriate for a woman who had just been talking about masturbating to true crime shows.

I really enjoyed Rick and Morty being on the same page, mocking the president together like friends or even equals. Especially after that R&M Origins video revealed that the biggest threat to the show getting made at all was Adult Swim execs hating how Morty was nothing but a spineless idiot in the pilot script.

Can’t sue a man who doesn’t exist. That’s just Court Stuff 101.

> it’s good that the icecaps are melting and all the fish are dying because that’s gonna make way for a new, better type of sea creature that probably has gills but can walk on the ground.” <

> Grace’s new office assistant Tony, who seemed to stammer over his opinion of Karen for what seemed like several minutes? <

Fun krock.

Or of Marlee Matlin.

Favorite, Decidedly Kid-Unfriendly Moment: Webby misinterpreting Louie’s finger-across-the-throat ‘cut it out’ gesture as instruction to murder the Fun Zone manager with a plastic spork... and beginning to act on it.

“The Outcast” meets “Sins of the Father”, right down to the Captain-tracks-down-reclusive-old-woman-to-deliver-shocking-last-minute-testimony angle.

Now playing

Went to YouTube to see if a less edited video of the episode is available. Found a computer reading this AVC article ‘aloud’.

🎶 They killed my wife and my baby / With hopes to enslave me🎶

Saw a few pink ones. Unless those were the ones we’re calling purple.

> Are they all homosexual? (And homosexual isn’t really specific enough here - they’d all have to into Rick or Morty.) <

> “my taint’s being licked by the budget” is a line I didn’t know I needed to hear Goggins deliver. <

Kinja doesn’t cotton to contractions? (“You Are The Worst”)

This is the fifth article I’ve read today that quotes the “mission accomplished, agenda advanced” paragraph, but nothing in which Limbaugh actually called Irma a “hoax” or a “lie” as purported in their subject lines. I’m not saying they’re (ugh) ‘fake news’, just shitty pieces of writing that fail to support their