
The word cloud for this episode is shaped like a dick.

Welcome to the Upside Down.

> Kit Harrington stayed “rear only” in Jon’s intimate moment with Daenerys.<

Was really worried for Jaime there for a minute. Knew for sure the producers wouldn’t be lazy enough to have two “go ahead and kill me, then” scenes in the same episode *and* have them both end with nobody going ahead and killing, then.

Was really worried for Jaime there for a minute. Knew for sure the producers wouldn’t be lazy enough to have two “go ahead and kill me, then” scenes in the same episode *and* have them both end with nobody going ahead and killing, then.

Tormund picked the right day to wear his brown pants.

Tormund picked the right day to wear his brown pants.

Ugh, each section of each page has a different font. Is Univision able to charge more for advertisements when they represent a welcome respite from Tiny Serif Typeface?

An easy way to distinguish (or even filter!) between News, Reviews, Features, etc. would also be welcome.

Is there a way to condense / collapse the content feeds to just the headlines when viewing on mobile, instead of headline + full size image + first paragraph? If not, then they have woefully overestimated my patience for scrolling to find content of interest.

> characters who are temporarily rendered idiots <

>they still don’t identify which dragon it was <

This works too.

I took it as "Yard Sale Barbie", i.e. a Barbie whose official thematic identity is Yard Sale(..ing?), rather than "yard sale Barbie", a Barbie one buys at a yard sale. Usually naked. The Barbie, that is.


Technically, no. It's "hold no lands, take no wife, father no children".

Ghost Train (Keith David)

Lord Tarly is dead; long live Lord Tarly!

Qyburn is an anagram for ob/gyn.