> And though Hepburn wanted to sing in the movie, Warner eventually decided to have her lip-sync to vocals from Marni Nixon, the same woman who’d ghost-sung for Natalie Wood in West Side Story.
> And though Hepburn wanted to sing in the movie, Warner eventually decided to have her lip-sync to vocals from Marni Nixon, the same woman who’d ghost-sung for Natalie Wood in West Side Story.
Again with the “my dad”.
As best I recollect, the room was decorated (or at least lit) in pink, but I only saw it that one time and memories are tricky.
Oh, she was definitely steering into the skid at that point, no question. But I’m not sure the overall course of action was one of her own choosing at its outset.
I was in and out of the room more than I cared to be during this episode, so I still have two lingering questions that may have already been answered while I was distracted.
Are we certain it was a decision? The name of the episode was “Milk”, so when I saw Camille drinking a glass of it at the place Adora set for her...
At the very least, Alan seems to have been in on the poisoning, what with lying to City Cop about Camille being out of the house.
If this Morphic Trilogy doesn’t finally give us the ‘shocking’ revelation that Jonas was the Monarch’s biological father, I’m-a be... {sigh} I wish I could say pissed. But really? More par-for-the-course disappointed.
> the only reason Wale’s goons were unconscious was that Shelia knocked them out <
This article names the movie’s villain twice, but never the actor who played him. Has GR become persona non nominatur?
What exactly is this movie’s timeline? If memory serves, the first night the Mystery Men sneak into Casanova’s mansion he’s hosting an informal meet and greet for the various crime factions, and announces that he’s going to destroy the city during the -real- party “tomorrow night”. But then the movie seems to go…
There seemed to be a supernatural underpinning to the show from the start, even beyond the core imaginary friend element. Before Mikey Mooch whispered the password to Sax in the premiere he was rambling about having seen terrible things and needing to get them out of his head. I’ve been operating under the assumption…
Ahh, okay. Too many Tolkien toons around the same time.
> we defy anyone but the most dedicated Ralph Bakshi fan to name his voice actor in that animated movie <
I received this novel as a Christmas gift a few years ago, but never got around to reading it. I may have to now just for the part where Powell straight up second-degree murders Robinson, because *damn*.
I wasn’t aware Jost had been demoted in the first place. Do we know why?
White roses.
Yeah, they were referring to their distribution plan, not trying to reinvent movie terms.
There was a Sammy subplot? Sorry, I must have been distracted by... something.