
Seriously. There are 6 misspelled words, 2 missing words, 1 extraneous word and 1 made up word before you even reach the letter grade, which is where I gave up.  This may well be the most poorly proofread AVC article I’ve read to date, which is saying something.

Being from a world without Krav Maga probably didn’t do him any favors.

> No shade to Basil Poledouris’ score, but the game’s opening notes—you can hear them above—evoke a luminous, yet mournful, atmosphere from moment one. <

Stone Cold Steve Thanos may look weird at first, but audiences will go nuts for the scene where he smashes the Tesseract against his forehead then chugs it.

🎶 “I’ll smack a merc in the mouth if he doesn’t quit running that lip off

He liked it so he put a flight ring on it.

I love Dweezil (and accept Ahmet) but the only Frank I enjoyed was when he covered “Stairway to Heaven” and had a horn section double the guitar solo. Just that part.

Such a mensch!

Looking forward to the reveal that Pyg is the long lost third Terwilliger brother.

Now that the show has established (?) that all three kids have the same father, each “my dad” clangs when it hits my ear. But maybe it’s an affectation of children of divorce; do CODs become extra possessive of the absent parent?

also, “persuasively”.

Yeah, I don’t think WR / DA “betrayed” Robot, just had to keep him out of the loop. And the 70 extra buildings are on Elliot.

Call me xenophobic, but if you’re going to have that sort of pheromonal power over everyone you meet, at least have the decency to be Russell Brand.

And is young enough that he’s never written on paper.

> another exercise in quick-hit celebrity impressions that only serves to showcase how few really good impressionists are in this particular cast. <

Starting during the unicorn sketch, I had to periodically remind myself that Haddish wasn’t Gina Rodriguez.