
@HeartBurnKid: Agent of R.O.A.C.H.: My issue with Foxit is that it simply fails to load PDFs in browser when using Google Chrome. Really a dealbreaker when considering most of my profs. use PDFs for important files. If I'm lucky I can right-click and download the PDF link, however on some sites, this is not an

My feelings...

@Tills13: I use to do that as well, but the constant email notifications (I like to keep a zero unread message inbox) when a new facebook event would happen were driving me crazy. Especially considering I use Facebook alot (I post alot and comment alot).

@cutcopypaste: Personally I deactivated every single email notification in Facebook in favor of using the Chrome Facebook extension.

TRANSPARENCY. That is all.

And thus the age of open computing ended, when the masses, finding computers too complicated, surrendered completely their right to choose and innovate.

They don't answer the most important of questions : How do these pan do as Zombie Repellents?

So when are they going to fix the issues with PDF viewing?

@cjoricj: next up on lifehacker, how to stay alive! tip no 1 : Breath in. tip no 2 : Breath out. tip no 3 : master tips 1 and 2... etc.

Step 1 : buy a house.

Anyone know of a similar solution for IE 9? Testing it out and can't find an adblocker, or any extension that will work with it.

Lol, I'm not sure I want to try this with my brand-spanking new laptop... If any one has a Dell Studio 1558 and does this pls post the results!

@omnichad, @TheFu, @JBud92 : Thanks for the tips, I hereby swear a wookie life debt in your collective favor (I guess you'll have to time share me); even if I'm not a wookie, nor do I believe in life debts. So I guess that leaves you guys with a big thank you and a small reward in the form of this image.

@Skid-Vicious: Sorry for forgetting you Skid, may a flock of beautiful vaginas find their way to your crotch!

@TheMugs, Dragonskin, Comodidit:

@TheMugs: How do I do that (I guess that's what I'm asking.) ?

Hello hivemind, I come in peace with offerings of internets and infinite gratitude.

Vote : Powerpoint

Trying it now. I'm a big Google fan but I must admit I'm impressed. Transfered all my favorites to IE and on first load IE9 is ridiculously fast. I've been a chrome user for the last year since Google Chrome swayed me away from Firefox because of it's speed and extension support.