
I understand, it's tough. What I'm arguing is more what I think is right/wrong theoretically. It's hard to turn that stance into something practical we can use today. It's legal and it isn't going to change and I'm not going to not vote for a person based on their beliefs in abortion. There are so many bigger issues

It's still isn't random or thrust upon them. They had sex. The act of vaginal intercourse naturally causes pregnancy. They lowered their chances of pregnancy with those methods, but it's never 100 percent. Therefore, it is, as you said it, a calculated risk.

Have you read my replies to him? I'm saying it's very unlikely that this is some big anti-abortion cause and that it will be fixed.

You left out a word there. "Pageview seeking," as in sensational headlines/articles by many of the media looking to generate a high number of pageviews.

I'm a fan of both this (novelty) product and headline.

I agree. It will get fixed. I just think some people are just overreacting a bit.

You act like Apple has this huge conservative agenda and is forcing anti-abortion propaganda down your throat. It was likely some kind of oversight/error, or at worst, a rogue engineer. It will get taken care of.

I don't disagree that saying it like that is douchey, but the point is kind of true. Acting like this is a huge issue is a big of an overreaction. It was either a programming thing, an oversight, or an engineer. It will get taken care of. In the meantime, it's not like no one is going to be able to find an abortion

That seems a bit ridiculous.

What could be more responsible? Not having sex. If you choose to have sex, use a condom. Take birth control. Do both and pull out. There's also plan B. There comes a point when you've had a few too many chances. It's not like pregnancy is thrust upon people at random.

You're changing the topic now. I never made a stance on legality, just right/wrong. I touched on this on a reply to her, that it's hard to differentiate the two, so it's not an easy situation.

Like I said when I replied to her, blame the many pro-choice advocates who use similar language but haven't been what she's been through. People on both sides use extremely dramatic language when expressing their opinions, and I don't think that it was that much of a stretch to believe that the person (who I don't

A 'parasite' that is welcomed in when you choose to have sex. It's called responsibility. (Aside from cases of rape, if that isn't clear this time.)

Less than 1% of pregnancies aborted are the result of rape. It's not trolling when my comment applies to 99% of the cases.

Maybe the one's who speak the loudest, but certainly not all of them.

Considering less than 1 percent of abortions are rape-related and the person you replied to had nothing to do with rape, I don't think my comment was that out of line. For 99 percent of people who have abortions, what I said was true. Unfortunately, I don't know that there's an good way to separate the two groups of

He's absolutely right, don't get your panties in a bunch.

It's not an intruder if you invited them in.

I guess it depends on how you'd like to look at it. I think that objectively, the PS3, despite the higher price, has always been the better value. It was a better quality machine. The problems Microsoft were 'plagued' with were due to awful decision making that led to a lower quality device. They lost the format war.

This is extremely unfortunate. I don't think it would be necessary to release a Playstation 4 until 2014 at the earliest given the PS3's life cycle. These Black Friday deals are the first time it's gotten to the $200 range.