Because she's such a gem herself.. lol
Because she's such a gem herself.. lol
This is for anyone and everyone who feels the need to write "RIP RIM" after every single comment. You say it's a sure thing, I'm not so certain. But for every one of me there's probably 50 of you.
Black Friday is quite nice. You just have to be smart. I know the prices of everything I want to buy and whether things are a good deal or not. There are always great Blu-ray deals.
A small price to pay for what has been crowned, and I quote, "the perfect mobile phone-tablet device!!!" (At least in the words of Amazon reviewer Juwan Hayward of Bermuda...)
Perhaps you've heard of the Galaxy Note? 5.3" w/ the most smooth/accurate stylus I've seen on a phone/tablet. Comes with Gingerbread, but will be upgraded to ICS. If you can't wait, I imagine you'll easily be able to unofficially run ICS, though I don't know what the OS stylus support is for ICS. It has been confirmed…
That's fucking great. A solid minute of giggling.
Ah, it makes much more sense that he would point that out then. I thought he was casually complimenting her rack. Might help if I've seen the movie and/or spoke Arnold. And could hear.
Incredible commentary. Astute observations.
Shit, you caught me.
Mushrooms and black olives are the toppings they chose? Yuck.
I also said "I'm perfectly content to wait for Sam(s)ung to modify it for TouchWiz on the S II" Which could also imply what I said in my last reply.
Even then, I prefer the TouchWiz UI over stock Android.
Not really interested in having double buttons at the bottom. I'm perfectly content to wait to Samung modify it for TouchWiz on the S II.
This knife remind anyone else of Dexter?
Then you're an idiot. I can't conceivably see myself buying a Windows Phone in the near future, because I haven't liked them. But to disregard a product simply because of a shitty piece of marketing? Stupid.
I've heard some people really love it. Now, I'm not one of those people, nor do I know anyone who is, but I've heard they're out there. lol
It must be too cold for your joke detector up there...
Hahahaha. +100
I've used them, but not as frequently as I feel like we should.