
What a prick..

I actually have noticed that the speakerphone on my iPhone and Galaxy S 2 were both worse than my BlackBerry Curve. I do miss it occasionally.

They offer free "super saver" shipping to everyone. If I remember right, it's a little slower than normal ground shipping. Find a .edu account and get the free Amazon Prime account - you'll get the free 2 day shipping, which has been amazing. (There are places that give them out for people who want student pricing on

Didn't the DEA just come out and say that marijuana has no currently accepted medical use?

Or Asian Carp in the United States. If you haven't heard of it, definitely check it out. It's absolutely insane.

Eminem = not awful. What could have been pointed out that is much worse? Top track listened to is a Nicki Minaj song.

They didn't. That's what I want to be told. lol

Knowing very little about science, these two projects, particularly the black hole one in France, sound potentially disastrous. Can someone explain to me why there is nothing to worry about?

Hasn't this been posted before? I know I've seen it somewhere..

anybody still got a link? It was pretty hilarious.

The full clip:

I feel like a lot of these would make amazing desktop backgrounds...

It doesn't match my Firefox theme at all.

All buttons to no buttons, that's quite the leap.

Ah, gotcha. Hopefully they didn't get rid of the physical button like the AT&T one is rumored to have done. That small of a thing definitely swayed me a little to get the unlocked. It's such a great phone though.

Pony up for the unlocked version. It's totally worth it. I had an iPhone and consider the Galaxy S II to be a huge upgrade in my phone history. Not quite the Blackberry-to-iPhone leap, but pretty damn close. It's quite the experience. Since it's off-contract, you can always sell it, recoup most of the cost (if you

Here's your opportunity - an app with poker with video chat all on the same screen.

It's never as good cranking things by hand...

So as someone who really doesn't know much about this...How do you combat this? Is there anything that is essentially 'hack-proof'? I would imagine that it's impossible to create something that's impossible to hack, but at least make it so difficult, time consuming, and as few results at a time would make it extremely

He sued Wicked Lasers when they made that really powerful laser for resembling a light saber. lol