Somebody put that GIF of the engineers shaking the rocket to a beat.
Somebody put that GIF of the engineers shaking the rocket to a beat.
Since nobody else wants to say it... I will. The astronauts need liquid to make Martian Bricks. But they will NOT be using blood. They are using their blood for astronaut stuff, and they don’t generate it fast enough to be useful. But they will be generating *another* liquid in even higher quantities...
*Ahem* 🎶I’m reading this list, checking it twice. What do you mean you broke the pipe vice?! Maintenance mechanic is wearing a frown.
To be faaaaaaaaaair...
Well aren't you quite the jerkoff.
Minivans make people uncomfortable because they are the real sign of actual virility instead of a small car for two people or a truck that kids would need a ladder to get into. It just rubs your ability to reproduce in everyone else’s face and not everyone is secure enough to handle that.
Your argument is unassailable.
What rolls down stairs, alone or in pairs
Trump is a such a dumb cunt.
Turns out public companies are hood rich-and always have been.
I’m out on the street, that’s where we were supposed to meet.
Your Waymo will find a way, just give it time
You would be astounded on (sic) how tough and capable the truck is.
I’ve made my peace with it. In face, I say let’s get it over with sooner rather than later.
Careful! If you put too many lights on your car, Teslas will think it's a parked fire truck and plow right the fuck into you at full speed.
“Sir, do you know why I pulled you over?”
You know, like any other normal job, don’t fuck up and you stay employed
We need to be paying our police officers more, so that they can afford to hire people who aren’t this goddamn stupid.
The Tuscan speed 6. Even though TVR claims they started production in 1999, they started delivering them to customers in 2020 so these will only really become available for import this year.