Give Me Tacos or Give Me Death

I’m out on the street, that’s where we were supposed to meet.  

Your Waymo will find a way, just give it time

You would be astounded on (sic) how tough and capable the truck is.

I’ve made my peace with it. In face, I say let’s get it over with sooner rather than later.

Careful! If you put too many lights on your car, Teslas will think it's a parked fire truck and plow right the fuck into you at full speed.

“Sir, do you know why I pulled you over?”

You know, like any other normal job, don’t fuck up and you stay employed

We need to be paying our police officers more, so that they can afford to hire people who aren’t this goddamn stupid.

But wouldn’t that just be the MOST TVR thing ever?!

Yup, typo.

2020? I assume you mean 2000

California has a weight tax. Works great.

The Tuscan speed 6. Even though TVR claims they started production in 1999, they started delivering them to customers in 2020 so these will only really become available for import this year.

also blinkers.  How well can the autopilot cameras tell the difference between blinkers and emergency flashing?

yeah the vinyl drivers steering wheel is a nice touch. Very Britsh to have a cheaply appointed drivers area.

Maybe, but I have my money on SCOTUS absolving corporations of any and all liability, now and forever.

You’re not wrong by any stretch.  But no one can buy anything else you make if you don’t make anything else...

::sniff, sniff::

I mean, he wasn’t wrong about the Hemi. That motor has to be a boat anchor for the brand compliance wise, especially if no one buys anything else you make.