The truth doesn’t always make for a snappy headline, and un-snappy headlines don’t pull eyeballs.
The truth doesn’t always make for a snappy headline, and un-snappy headlines don’t pull eyeballs.
It shouldn’t even do *that.* They should be reporting Cost Of Goods, and they’re not because the truth doesn’t make for a snappy headline. They’re relating the sale price of a single truck to Rivian’s TOTAL EXPENSES. That’s including all the money spent up front developing products before there were products to sell.…
Thank you!
The correct headline should be that it loses $40,000 PER vehicle it sells. “On” every vehicle it sells falsely implies there is a marginal loss of $40k for each additional vehicle it sells. In reality, more vehicles sold reduces the per-vehicle loss.
Please stop publishing headlines suggesting a company “loses” money on every sale. In addition to being a gross oversimplification of how R&D spending and actual manufacturing costs work, it’s just wrong on its face.
The nuclear option. If you build nice roads for people and some of those people use it for stupidly dangerous nonsense, make the roads so shitty no one can do stupidly dangerous nonsense. This feels oddly satisfying to me on this day.
They tried to repeal Obamacare, McCain saved it.
The GR Toyota GR-86 GR-Four GR is rad as hell, but that name is dumb as shit. Rejoice, Bz4X, for you no longer have the stupidest name in the world. At least until they make the gRBz4GrX racing version.
If a dryer craps out on a 500hp compressor where I work, enough water comes out of the drains the next day to power-wash your car!
Farts will never not be funny to guys, regardless of age.
He’s the richest man on earth. He can afford to be anywhere he wants to be. Ergo, he can afford to be wherever he *needs* to be.
These full-page Fascism ads all over the site are really disturbing.
I genuinely don't know if I've ever seen a Grenada, be it on the road or otherwise.
and you can still find many MB’s alive and running today!
He replied with his “FSD will make everything better!” Pitch even then. He's been using that for nearly a decade now. And yet, recently it's been announced that most Teslas currently on the road won't support the system.
FIA: “Hey, we know what the right thing to do here is, but let’s not kill the golden goose.”
This seems relevant right now:
The trick to telling them apart is that the Mercedes doesn’t have parts falling off of it at random.
But if you squinted, it could be mistaken for a Mercedes!
I mean, why kill two birds with one stone if you can kill three, right?