Give Me Tacos or Give Me Death

The thing that really kills me about all that nonsense is that people are putting their kids at risk. It’s fine and dandy for an adult to make a stupid, ill-informed decision for themselves, they can all go die if that’s what they want to do. But children don’t have that agency. Putting innocent children at risk

That’s just what the mainstream media wants you to believe, man. I read an article on NewsForPatriots.net that said that doctors wanted you to believe in Covid because it made them money. And FreedomNews12.net just had an article about emissions from solar panels being the reason for global warming if it exists which

First Gear: The media has GOT to stop equating “some dude skimming a few Google search results” and “scientists painstakingly subjecting a falsifiable hypothesis to experiment.”

This needs WAY more stars.

This is the problem that “SCIENCE” has. The actual, painstaiking work that constitutes actual scientific research is given equal footing with people who “googled some shit and skimmed a link or two” in the media. News organizations need to be clear about the difference between actual science and “some guy just googling

I don’t know if it counts, but the Mirth Mobile was the first thing that came to mind. I know this scene and the song make certain joyless clods nauseous...

I guess I just don't run a brutal-enough dictatorship to escape consequences...

Community service for you 

Excellent! I was hoping someone would take the alley-oop dunk!

Whoa, language. Now you have to do community service!

Is it ethical to have the team from Faenza, Italy acting in a manner beholden to the team from Milton Keynes?

Unoriginal answer: Barf. But that smell is hard to get out.

If there’s one thing everyday Americans are most concerned about, it’s definitely Elon Musk sending people to Mars next year.

This states it is an offence to issue: “any words, deeds or writings that have caused moral injury or loss to the FIA, its bodies, its members or its executive officers, and more generally on the interest of motorsport an

Somebody slap a Pulitzer on this man.


I remember when people decried the E39. Until eventually they loved it.

3rd gen M5 is the e39.... arguably the best M5.

Everyone knows the last “Real M5" was the one that was on sale two generations ago. This statement became true with the introduction of the 3rd gen M5 and will remain so until BMW cancels the M5 altogether. Or until the M5 gets so heavy it pulls the moon into the planet and kills us all.

Yeah, MC Old-School! He’s dope.