Give Me Tacos or Give Me Death

The irony is simply delicious.

But what if it did?

Sounds like the perfect opportunity to demonstrate the benefits of remote work. I’m sure showing up there once or twice a month would be sufficient. The fuck does a CEO do anyway. 

Back when I was a boy, this country was filled with assholes. You couldn’t take a step down the street without bumping in to an asshole. You’d enter a room and say “Hey, asshole!” and everyone’s head would turn!

I will hazard a guess:

As a fellow lib, there’s nothing that makes me feel more “owned” than a complete stranger destroying his own property in a fit of pique over some bunch of strangers trying to make sure some other bunch of strangers are being treated fairly.

“Still love the truck, though!”

I’m going to guess the recent MBA grads thought they’d “cut costs” by eliminating the cheaper, volume sellers, and boost profits by building “high margin” stuff.

At every company I’ve ever worked at, the last person you’d want personally handling the nuts and bolts of the business is the CEO. That person knows the least about the actual day in, day out grind of the business of being a business. The CEO is there to attract investors and lobby for contracts, government

Will Harley Davidson go the way of Oldsmobile? Once upon a time, building cool and exciting stuff that captivated the youths back in the 60s, then existing solely to sell things to those same people for decades, only to realize that, hey, they’re all dying, and flailing about trying to shed their “stuff for old

They think it’s short term - until they choke on it.

It’s weird to deliberately hitch your wagon to a dying species.  

“Forbidden Toblerone” sounds like an item from the next Vampire Survivors update.

There’s this thing called “due diligence.”  Ignore it at your peril.

2018 Ford: We’re gonna stop making all cars except the Mustang.

It is very real, it is very weird, and Paul Sorvino is *very* hungover in it.

Is this an actual thing? I must watch this, like physically I must watch this movie.

It’s always amusing when people’s *speculative investments* lose money and they get all lawsuit-y. You signed up for the risk hoping for the reward, in full legal knowledge that said reward may not materialize.

I understand that between adrenaline, being fucking pissed, being late for something, and fear of a medical bill a lot of people refuse medical care at the scene. But if get hit by a driver running a stop/red light I am sitting my ass on the curb until a paramedic checks me out and I see what the officer wrote down.