Give Me Tacos or Give Me Death

The same one is still there almost 30 years later. 1996 Viper GTS, blue with white stripes.

Seriously. And who among us wouldn’t want a do-over on the Chevy SS?

I can’t be the only one who thinks this is kind of awesome, right? Isn’t this basically peak-Jalop? Buying the cars of yesteryear that we claim to pine for, but also with a warranty?

Don’t know that I have a firm stance on right or wrong here, but if we are throwing out scenarios.

Good thing you said “features and quirks.” If you say it the other way around, Uncle Doug comes and steals all your khaki shorts.

Watching enough Matt's off-road, don't drive in what appear to be dry lake beds, there is soup hiding below the surface that wants to eat you

These places are just another Bastille for another time.

None of that is an excuse for perpetuating and expanding the inequality in society.

In the next revolution, we'll be storming these places just like the Bastille.

He who dies loudest dies best?

Seriously. They’re lucky the track was so short. That axle blew in just third gear. I don’t want to think about what would happen if the axle blew 3/4 of the way through the Texas Mile.

Sadly Rob doesn’t get a ton of time with the car because a front axle CV breaks when the car hooks up in third gear.”

Same with guys building Cobra replicas with 500, 600+ hp. It’s unusable power - 2300lb curb weight with little weight on the axle. But they still do it like it’s some bullshit bragging rights thing. There’s a reason why those cars have a rep for biting n00bs in the arse. 

well in this case, if the article, and you tube video is correct, it’s tame and usable below 6k rpm. But 6k and above the beast awakens. That said your hot sauce analogy is spot on. Above a certain point the car becomes useless outside of a track prep surface, doesn’t make it not cool, but makes it a drag car not a

Horsepower is cool and all, but I look at it like the heat in hot sauce. It’s really easy to put SO MUCH in there that your car (or sauce) is basically unusable. And to me, there’s nothing special about that. This is way too much of a good thing.

And it appears to be gone.

Seriously. If I wasn't off the continent right now, I'd be sorely tempted.

I really hope that his new car doesn’t turn out to be a werecar.

I don’t know why the two-time Miss Universe pageant winner and inventor of the internal combustion engine would be doing something like this.

I have more sympathy for Uber drivers, because at the end of the day, Uber is a scam. It’s a taxi company that has done an end-run around nearly all taxi regulation while offloading the single biggest expense of taxis, the car, to the drivers. Who they treat like shit.