Give Me Tacos or Give Me Death

It’s about time America admitted that it doesn’t think it has any bad drivers.

I say again, and with emphasis:

This situation is methed up. 

Think about the simplicity of the rain sensor.

Tesla is running into a problem that they can’t necessarily control, and that’s the ceiling of available technology relative to the various regulations they have to (and should) follow.

A lot of the innovation was due to the technology either not being available, researched, or scalable, with the expectation that once

Republicans at all levels are just plain out of ideas. “Poor people are the enemy” is one of their classics, which they dust off from time to time whenever “brown people are the enemy” sounds too racist. This has nothing to do with saving $$ for the good taxpayers of Ohio.

or better yet, join the rest of the civilized and do single payer healthcare.

Seems silly to intentionally wreck a perfectly good car

Yes.  But it was also all of that in the beginning, too.

Nice Supra.

Who cares? I drive a yellow Corvette that would have all the Jalops making white New Balance jokes (my New Balances are black and red trail runners, for the record, and I don’t wear them while driving the car because knobby trail runners are godawful for driving stick). The car makes me deliriously happy though so the

look at those fake vents!  They really did predict the future!

The “bad apples” thing is totally accurate if they said the entire sentence.

The demand for the Plaid Plus was very high.

Alfa Romeo spiders.

for a significant portion of the white color workers, 2020/2021 was time with lots of extra money and a lot lower spending

Dealers, I have a car to sell. It’s in high demand and very desirable. Perhaps you can meet me at the location of my choice? I’d like to develop a relationship with you. We can sit down and talk about how much you can afford to pay me, maybe put it in four handy little boxes labled “CASH”, “lotsa money”, “big moolah”

I am with you. It’s like the last stage of the Tour de France. The winner is more or less known, and it’s basically a victory lap for the winning team.

Chrysler’s flame-retardant carpet supplier must have made a good product, because all the damage seems to be those burned slashes in the carpet on the rear luggage cubby cover.