Give Me Tacos or Give Me Death

Okay, he was half right. Things are very VERY stupid, but they certainly aren’t boring.

You forgot, like, dozens of other problems...

Ah, gotcha.

I thought the one in Philly was a Medevac helicopter?  Or was it a plane, and I just wasn’t aware they used planes for medevac purposes?

George Orwell is looking more and more prophetic every day.

I love how you can just easily translate any time he says “Nobody knows” and “like no one has ever seen” into “I didn’t know” and “like I’ve never seen” and then be factually correct.

That’s a lot like going to the second page of Google results.

Lots of other people never grew up, either. They find each other. They reproduce.

On the other hand, Scooby Doo cartoons were made 50+ years ago. Seeing this thing will make grandparents want to show the cartoons to their grandkids. That’s basically free money, given the production costs were paid a lifetime ago.

No pithy rejoinder? No ex recto derived figures?

Excellent work!

We need a dedicated group of masochists to wade into the Truth Social cesspit and start engineering this. Once you get a few red-hats to agree with you, even a little bit, it can begin to metastasize and it’ll take care of itself from there.

He has the memory span of a below-average goldfish. Inundate him with “winning with wind” and he’ll eventually say it to the soft-brains who cheer anything that falls out of his mouth. He will hear a cheer, and within a week, he will be telling us he invented windmills.

There are so far no reports that anybody was killed as a result of the pile up.

I’m pretty sure you have it backwards! Soft-brained buffoons have always been with us. After all, boneheads dying from dubious “health tonics” and snake oils is what gave us the FDA (pre-emptive RIP!)

Good point, my bad.  Statement retracted, apology issued!

I mean, the only question is, “Do you want to make more money, Buick?”

The premise of the entire article is knowing the difference between a Grand National and a GNX, and thus knowing that the vehicle in the show wasn’t really a GNX.

I had the same thought.

It makes me very sad to realize that you are correct.