Give Me Tacos or Give Me Death

Deteriorated my mental state is.

See, that sounded to me like a ringing endorsement!

It’s a good thing cars only ever get hit in the front! 

You... do know you can approach a gas pump from either side, right?

Hey, maybe Elmo wanted to make sure people practice backing into parking spots? After all, a majority of parking lot accidents happen when someone is backing up. Having people practice a lot more would be a good thing, right?

What we need to do here is some misdirection. We can probably harness his ire for anything bearing the prefix trans into doing some real good for people. Just slap that prefix on actual problems, even if it doesn’t make sense.  Start the Orange Idiot talking about trans-fats and see what we can do for people’s diets.

Let me know if it helps.  I’m willing to try most anything.

Given how insane everything is right now... How can you be sure you actually quit?!

Ironic, given they are the cause of the very ills they claim they alone can fix.

In a news cycle that is mostly Trump-based doom and gloom, the phrase “the sporty RSX” was mighty hilarious.

Oh boy, I’m not sure which I would like to own out-of-warranty *less!*

It looks like a catfish, and not in a good way. I will die on this hill.

Agree completely. Speed is cheap now, so it is no longer special. Engines are going away, and so will the sound. Manual transmissions are about gone, too, so we can also say goodbye to a truly engaging driving experience.

The manufacturer needs to be financially sound to really hold value.

Low Tech = Good?

If there were a 4th pillar of the Holy Trinity, it would be “Non-Fugly.”

When in doubt, go with the Holy Trinity

Unsanctioned opinions might not be for much longer!

Charred hellscape?

When "safety" becomes a for-profit business, we all suffer.