Give Me Tacos or Give Me Death

Why ever would you say such a thing?!

Sometimes the chimp types out Hamlet successfully! Haha

Were there any bowls of petunias plummeting alongside the rock? Perhaps a very confused whale? Several hundred million lightly fried eggs?

Space rock hitting concrete at high speed just has, like, a richer tone, man! Only a philistine couldn’t tell the difference!

At least they don’t have to sell *many* to reach 100% throughput!

I laughed!

Math checks out.

Fisker is a dead company and still managed 101 registrations.  Just sayin’

I took a look at Maserati’s (disaster of a) website and found that they actually build at least three different EVs. The Grecale, the GranTurismo, and the GranCabrio are all available as EVs by my count. And they managed to register one EV on the year.

All of those things are true, except Elmo does, unfortunately wield political power.  Probably quite a bit, much to the detriment of literally everyone else on earth.

Hey, don’t you dare disparage the French royalty like that! They were actually pretty good at corruption!

Oh, I think there will be savage cuts to small-time stuff like...

It’s *almost* not-terrible.

It gets harder when the child in question has the nuclear codes...

Buying this thing is how you ask for a divorce without saying a single word.

And lo, did King David pay Bathsheba 137,000 shekels to keep her damn mouth shut.

I’m pretty sure a 15-year-old with TikTok brain would have done far better than this haha

I am pretty sure that has been true since humans mastered speech.

Irony isn’t dead, y’all!

If the “new” thing has the same features as the current thing and gets sold for less, it’s a discount. I suppose we will have to see if/how the thing is de-contented. Assuming it gets made in the first place (looking at you, $25,000 model 3 and $40,000 truck!)