It will never get old haha
It will never get old haha
If your BMW is off by 4 PSI, I’m pretty sure it just self-destructs. I mean, look what happened to that M4 guy whose tires were only 1.5 PSI off...
What the hell are you even talking about?
Would you like to invest in my new tech startup? It’s called FireFightr. You know it’s legit because we dropped that last “e” from the word. Anyway, what we do is we take the fire from wherever it happens to be, i.e. your house, to wherever the nearest fire department is.
I did some digging and can’t find any that were torn down *because* of a shooting. Some were torn down *after* one, but they were also very old and facing either expensive retrofits or a complete rebuild. It’s possible that a shooting could affect the “renovate or rebuild” calculus, but I doubt it would ever be the…
I think the thrust of the argument was nixing the sportsball department, rather than shuttering the whole school. The latter would be insane for a number of reasons, including yours.
Luckily I inherited the Viking gene from my mom’s side of the family, so I tolerate the cold with the best of them. But here in NC, I’m always drowning in sweat come summer.
Right? When it’s cold, you can put on additional layers, hat, gloves, etc to your heart’s content. People sell chemical hand/foot warmers. You can buy battery-heated vests and gloves.
Why would they do that? Seems like a weird thing to be upset about
His remains deserve, at best, a knockoff Ziploc bag. Then drive said bag in an EV hearse to one of those toilets he complains about. Then flush.
It is always jarring to realize that my stance on an issue aligns with that of Antonin Scalia.
Having visited Ireland recently... I’d move there if I could find a job. It’s a really nice country.
You need a napkin? You appear to have something dripping down your chin.
I will pass on the Kool Aid, thank you very much.
I mean, for Connecticut, this is a step in the right direction, given they probably used to just hunt poor people for sport.
My question is this:
Well, you see, he has a *whole lot* of money. And everyone knows one's worth as a human is proportional to the number of commas on ones bank statements.