Give Me Tacos or Give Me Death

When the pay improves, the number and quality of candidates improves. When the number of quality candidates improves, everyone knows they are replaceable, and will be more inclined to do their job *well.*

I submit that the people we task with keeping us safe should not require “side-hustles” to make ends meet. We owe them that much. And they should owe us right back.

So, if I’m understanding (and I may not be!), the police, *after overtime*, are making ~20-25% below the median income in your town? If that’s correct, that does not sound reasonable or enticing in the slightest. Please not the “if,” and correct me if I'm wrong.

I’m not anti-cop either. I’m anti-bad-cop. And pro-cop-accountability. And if we expect them to be accountable for protecting and serving us, we need to be accountable to them to make failing to do so a very unwise decision. Both in terms of losing a good-paying career and in terms of criminal penalties where

Make the pay what it ought to be, and you’ll have more smart people coming into the system, eventually replacing the ones who thing “dumb is better.”  You’ll also have people, and local governments, expecting better behavior from the people they just gave fat raises to.  That will encourage the hiring of people smart

$120k where? Cost of living varies dramatically by location. That’ll get you far in rural NC, but you’ll be broke as a joke in San Francisco.

Accountability is a two-way street.

Seriously. My city just can’t fill it’s roster because the pay is so bad. Make being a cop a financially-rewarding job and you’ll have people competing for those jobs. Better quality people, too.

We need to be paying our police officers more, so that they can afford to hire people who aren’t this goddamn stupid.

The bZ4X is what you did, *Akio!*

I'd watch that challenge on YouTube.

My wife, or her Prius?

Because the cameras you seem to think should be sufficient to detect what is and is not the flashing lights of an emergency vehicle...

I know, right? Everywhere you look, there are signs of how much stupider everything is going to get in short order...

I know, I wish my wife would let me trade her ratty Prius for one.

I think everyone has always had issues uploading things, here and there. It’s just not always the same people, or the same issues, or at the same time.

The point is the flex. A stupid point, in my opinion, but it is absolutely the point.

I saw a SCREAMINGLY ORANGE Cerbera here in Durham, just street-parked on Main like it wasn’t even a thing. My stupid phone will NOT let me upload the photo.

But wouldn’t that just be the MOST TVR thing ever?!

I’d love an EV with ~100 miles of practical range. It would be great for day-in, day-out driving.