Give Me Tacos or Give Me Death

Driving 100 mph is bad driving. Showing kids just what happens in a 100 mph crash can, and does, help drive the message home. Hell, this story, the video of the crash (holy shit, it’s wild) and the image of the ruined car, is a literal object lesson on the dangers of excessive speed.

This. Zero Tolerance just doesn’t work. It just fucks people over to the point that they have no options other than crime. It literally breeds criminals.

“Gotcha Towing” is the best name for a towing company ever.

There’s weird, and then there’s endorsing and funneling money to the man who wants to cut off your nose, all to spite your face.

Stupid is as Stupid does, so maybe don’t give Stupid a land-missile.

There’s no way that discussion doesn’t get ugly as all get out.

It’s weird to support the candidacy of a man who wants to actively harm you, Elon.  It’s super weird.

This is not meaningful deterrence.  Bars, locks, guards, wardens. Now, if not sooner.

Wait, is that the same “Clyde Frog” that Cartman has in South Park?! And if so, how the hell am I only learning about this now?!?!

Symphony of the Night? I’d at least be curious!

Am I to believe this thing left the factory with the front end looking like that?!

My only personal Alabama Experience came while I was in undergrad:


Thanks for the info, duder!

Honest question from a curious idiot: How many cars do teams build for a season, given the likelihood of crashes? And how often are crashed cars repaired and put back into service? Can they even do that, given how carbon fiber tends to crack and splinter?

He’s dumber than a football bat.

Reason #490324 that Alabama is just the worst place in the country

When you choose your [military, country, company, whatever] leaders solely based on “are they your friend or not” rather than “are they competent or not” you always end up with dismal failure in the long run. It’s happened all throughout history. Roman empire, British empire, French empire, Russian empire(s) just to

One of the lab techs who has worked for me for years just refuses to consider getting into management. I keep suggesting it, hell, even when *my boss* asked her to apply for the QC Lab Manager job, she wouldn’t bite. Just doesn’t seem to want to be the one who officially calls the shots, despite basically doing the

You aren’t.  I’d also likely have one, but for his baffling Red Hat Heel turn.