
It’s a failing of human nature that we make our own experiences absolute. That’s what Hudson’s doing with her “if it’s good enough for me, it’s good enough for you” statement. It completely writes off anyone else’s experiences and feelings about the film and subject matter because Hudson apparently feels her opinion

I hate to be that guy but

He obviously broke it saying the pledge of allegiance or perhaps coldcocking a Syrian refugee because he’s the Marine Todd of football.

I was just listening to a podcast where Cruz was described as “he looks like John Wayne Gacy without the makeup!” That’s perfect.

I like when people toss around the terms “SJW” and “PC.’ It makes it easy to figure out who the assholes are.

I like when people toss around the terms “SJW” and “PC.’ It makes it easy to figure out who the assholes are.

So they cut out a butt slap and leave in an ass-cheek assisted double powerbomb.

“I can assure you that the Patriots have the best, most luxurious offense planned for next week. It’s gonna make your head spin it’s so good.”

Most performers, if it looks like they’re being very aggressive, what you don’t see is their hand positioned in a place to make sure you don’t hit your head or that you’re comfortable.

I think Cleon deserves all the credit, maybe Swann.

Banshee, maybe? It can get intense but it’s also pretty fun. 30 episodes so far with the final season starting in January.

These cowareds need to understand that the black folk are on the field and are no threat to them.

Thank you for expressing what so many of us were no doubt thinking.

Unless she was going for “ironically bad,” that is just a piss-poor tattoo. Awful in both conception and execution. Damn.

Same reason challenges, which are reviewd by a member of the same officiating crew, back up the call on the field more often than reverse it. No ref wants to make the others look bad.

I’m sick of people calling Brady ‘smart’ for his constant grounding of the ball when under pressure. Whatever the letter of the law, he’s obviously not intending to complete the throws (most of which are him standing in the pocket).

Misdemeanor Peeping Tom is when you watch. It crosses over to Felony Peeping Tom when you put your hand down your pants.

It’s the Guy Fieri model