
It’s the same mentality of the people who leave clothes scattered all over fitting rooms, leave their empty coffee cup on a random shelf in the grocery store, or tear apart a towel display because they want the second from bottom towel from a pile of identical towels.

Cheese streak place across the street from my office. Lunch combo: Small cheese steak, provolone cheese, no onion, lettuce, tomato with fries and a small drink.

Or just twist and seal the end with a hair tie.

My Dad had mouth and throat cancer. Because of the radiation treatment, his taste buds were permanently damaged. The only way he can taste things is to put a ton of salt on them.

WTT [Green Hills of Stranglethorn] Have pages 8, 12, 35, 42. Need pages 6, 15, 22, and 40.

I started doing this as a small child. Not with cooking, mind you, but with building things with Knex. I would go through the picture, count out how many red rods, connectors, grey pieces, etc. I needed and then dive through the large tub, counting out each piece, and put them in separate piles to the side.

Interesting. I’m from the coal region, and while we don’t differentiate them as strongly as those from the Philly area, they are still slightly different.

Hard cider is also a good alternative for people who a) don’t drink a lot, or b) want to fit in with a beer drinking crowd, but hate the taste of beer. Of course, if you head outside of heavy populated areas in the US, there’s a 50/50 shot as to whether a bar will stock it or not.

Back in the 90s, when I was a kid, my church ran a bus trip for a day in NYC. It was simply a trip where we got there in the morning and then everybody was free to do whatever they wanted until dinner that night. On the way home I found out these two little old Catholic ladies decided to see a show. Not having any

I have somewhat started to come around to this not sleeping in on the weekends things. The past few weekends I’ve been awake at the same time as I would be to go to work. Plus when I remove the hour commute I have to do each morning, and night, the extra time seems amazing. I’ll be doing something and think it’s

Because south Jersey is where all the upper middle class white people of Pennsylvania buy their vacation homes.

There’s a family story of when my great grandmother first moved to middle-of-nowhere Pennsylvania. She goes into the general store for the first time and the shopkeeper says aloud, not believing that she understands English, “Oh great, another Hunky.” Her response was to go right up to him, and ask in a perfect upper

....... I’m literally eating popcorn for dinner right now.

It’s like the small child, who when told to clean their room, just shoves everything under the bed and into the closet

I was a history major in college. In high school I took both AP World History and AP US History. I received 5s (the highest grade possible) in both exams. The only reason I know about the poppy tradition is because I watch(ed) a lot of BBCAmerica. In many schools, at the grade and high school levels, anything past the

Right now we’re getting another sample retested, just in case the original was contaminated somehow. There should not be lead pipes or fixtures in our system, and the reservoir is clear.

We just had our water tested and they found unsafe levels of lead. Our house is less than 30 years old. The entire neighborhood was built after lead was completely banned from plumbing. WTH?!?!

Or after the debate is over and they are milling about on stage, have someone hand her a giant bag and start eating them.

I was cleaning out the bathroom with my dad, and I found my mom’s old diaphragm. At first I didn’t realize what it was and asked him. He hedged an answer and told me to just throw it away. It was then that I realized what it was.

Yup. As an instructor for small children, this is why one of the very first things we teach them is how to “blow bubbles”. It gets them used to putting their face in the water and teaches them how to exhale under water, all in the name of a fun activity.