IanZ - limited-slip indifferential

Shhh. Someone thinks they’re making a very insightful remark. Just nod and smile and let them have it.

I strongly suspect it was a deliberate play on the “Sherlock” look.


I just kept hearing Hugh Laurie’s House MD :/

It’s okay because if you still want to buy a new car that feels like it’s based on horrendously outdated technology there’s the 370Z.

17 Citations....wow.

I’d rather skip the parked Cessna all together and live in a plane!

There are more comprehensive articles out there than my comment, but the X-Movies and the MCU are currently incompatible. Mutants as allegory loses some punch when the MCU are considered, and the MCU ‘powered people’ reveal historically disallows for the world-changing, highly-public events which have highlighted the

Depending on where you live, you can’t keep any kind of shit you like in your driveway.

I guess having a plane in your driveway there doesn’t fly with the community.

On the one hand, you’re right.

I would THINK that Leia would know if she had another daughter, and if that daughter was taken from her then returned years later. Leia would have KNOWN.

Brother and sister is a stretch.

The She-Hulk film should just be a straight-up courtroom drama with occasional robot punching.

Exactly. I look at these decrepit buildings, the tide of waste that swirls around them and the impoverished people that live there with no opportunity for a better life, and the very first thought I have is “just like the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act of 2010.”

Visually, it’s identical to Oshii’s film. Like, identical. Same exact shots. Not sure if that’s a good thing (to evoke the same atmosphere) or a bad thing (unoriginal, derivative cinematography).

They’ve done that for many years?

What a shocking faux pas by Laurence Fishburne, reminding people who may have forgotten that he was in Batman v. Superman. And, frankly, shame on i09 for reminding people with this header image that Amy Adams was also in Batman v. Superman. She’s a nice lady!