
Oh, rich people live there? It must be a paradise, a cultural touchstone people come from all around the world to visit! World class restaurants! Museums! Tourist destinations!

They don’t want to eat tainted meat, they want to sell it to you.

I looked at the energy guide for the Q90R. It’s 220 kWh per year vs 509 kWh per year for the Vizio. I’m not sure where the huge discrepancy comes from. I’m also not sure how they came up with the kWh / year number. I’m too lazy to hunt down the actual active and standby power draw of the two models, but if I’m

I know the first 96/128kbps mp3s we all had back in 2002 sounded like ass, but 256kbps AAC actually sounds really good and I can’t imagine 320kbps sounding *that* much better.

Can you also post a GIF here of people dancing around a fire of Telsa’s stock numbers? This seems to be the trend here lately...how much gas can we pour on this to make stories? 

Unfortunately, GM decided to make the Bolt ugly so as to not impact sales of their internal combustion automobiles.

therefore keeping market costs of the EQC down.

This is why Tesla is so much ahead.  They created an EV from scratch instead of turning a combustion engine layout into an EV car.  Good luck BENZ...still years behind.  

They reaaaaalllyyyy hate Tesla here.

“In an interview with police, Lommatzch said she was looking at her phone prior to the collision, but in the suit she claims she attempted to brake just before the crash, “but the brakes did not engage.””

Interesting that you left out info that every other article I saw about this included.

Asking people to pay attention while they drive and be held accountable for their land rockets is just too much... too much I say.

If only more books had been released in a timely manner that had made her presence inescapable for a television production. But whoever could have made such a thing happen?

Can’t these arguments be made about every phone and most apps also?

*Ahem* did you know dealerships do this too? “Certified Pre-Owned”.

Your argument would be valid if used Tesla’s were ONLY available through Tesla which is not the case. See for yourself. www.autotrader.com

The Bolt doesn’t offer the Supercharger network, though, and has awful seats.