
ALSO, and I have been saying this as a child in the 70's...could we PLEASE remove lobbyist money. We, the taxpayers, the People, should fund their runs with limited funds and the same to each person running so that there is a fairness of some kind from the very beginning. And when/if you don’t legitimately spend

I have an alternative suggestion: may they be sued for literally everything they possess. From bank accounts to their underwear. May they be foisted out into the world nude, hungry and disgraced. May anyone who shows them sympathy or mercy share their fate, plus broken thumbs. May their tombstones be inscribed with

Trump was riding on the success of Obama. It is crashing now. Happy?

A good friend of mine sent me a text that “OMG ROSEANNE IS LIT!” and I never cared for the show back in the day.. but I decided to watch it because she did. I managed to get through the first episode, and.. my feelings of disgust go into so many things.. but mainly, yeah.. I have a problem with the whole Trump support

Normalizing MAGA - Exactly why I won’t watch it. Full disclosure, I was a fan of the show back in the day but when I think about it, I really didn’t know better back in 1994. I used to point out that if 44 did anything 45 does on a daily, FauxNews would have an impeachment countdown clock on the screen 24/7 but

Good I will wait with breathless anticipation for the reboot of the following and then watch white people’s reaction:

I’m bummed John Goodman came back for this. He always seemed like a decent guy. Of course, that’s probably because I never looked too hard.

Advocating for genocide isn’t free speech, it is hate speech, and it is not protected by the 1st amendment

I was promised cake.

Don’t worry, the tax cut bill will fix that problem, trickle up economics at work.

Senator Marco Rubio has spent the last few days freaking out about what he thinks the biased media has been