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Is it possible to challenge the teaching of the Theory of Evolution on the grounds that most of the local populace have not yet evolved to sentience?

That’s just a fact though. And the people who say that the only way to make progress is to change representation without talking about the issue never cite their sources — that’s just an unfounded opinion.

What’s your issue? Is this some slanderous untruth?

Yep. Yes, he was driving. But he would’ve limited himself to screaming at her, if he even got out the car, had Robertson been a white woman.

Woul you say that he was left winged?

Exactly. Implicit bias is always present. In high stress situations, these implicit biases only serve to compound the hate, rage, and fear. It’s the same reason pigs “fear for their life” and shoot black motorists within seconds. It’s the same exact reason. We as black people have to walk on eggshells and be 110%

A shooting can be racially motivated while the race not being the ONLY motivation, or even the primary motivation...

I hate the police in Boston, even as a white guy, I don’t trust them to do right by me. I know some will say it is only a few bad apples, but you know what you leave those bad apples in the barrel long enough and the whole barrel goes bad.

“I regret the embarrassment this has caused for being caught by the Police Department some liberals and regret that my actions may very well make our jobs as police officers more difficult, aren’t openly sanctioned by the law or public” DeAngelo wrote in an open letter of apology that was released.

everyone, get your cards ready, its time for cop cop-out bingo!

Evidently! /s This dumbass, racist video is him telling us who he really is. Reminds me of the saying, “Watch your thoughts, they become your words. Watch your words, they become your actions. Watch your actions, they become your character.” (Can’t attribute because the internet doesn’t agree who first said it.)