
For quoting MLK a lot in their anguished letters, I think some of those Seattle parents forgot this passage from the Birmingham County Jail letter-- replace moderate with liberal, because that’s just the shifting goalposts since the Reagan Years:

I will never cease to be impressed by the amount of racist white people who truly seem to believe that Martin Luthor King Jr., were he still alive, would be on their side.

Fucking fellow white people. It’s Black Lives Matter TOO. Nobody needs to say the ‘too’ for you to understand, motherfucking cunts. Stop being so fucking precious about it, Jesus fuck.

“Liberal” has become a meaningless word. We define it based on policy positions but not underlying ideology. You can support a liberal policy solution while still rejecting fundamental liberal ideology. “Populists” or socially conservative big-government types in general fit that pattern. They reject the ideological

I think that it’s time for white people to sit down and shut the fuck up.

I get that no one can be 100% right on every issue, and I’m sure I have blind spots of my own. But enthusiastic support for Black Lives Matter needs to be one of the core precepts of American liberalism. Anything less is contrary to basic human rights and decency.

Seriously. If, as a white person, you look at the slogan “Black Lives Matter” and think “Wait a minute! Why aren’t they talking about how much I matter!” Then you need to rethink a lot of things, starting with ways you benefit from white supremacy and ending somewhere around the “the world doesn’t revolve around you”

Folks: If the sentiment “Black Lives Matter” gives you pause -if you think for some reason that those three words, in that order, are problematic -then you don’t get to call yourself a liberal anymore. I don’t care where you stand on any other issue, you need to go sit with the Trumpicans and KKK members (but I repeat

How the fuck is this road rage if she wasn’t in a car?

I feel like the difference this time is that Ajit Pai, unlike some of his predecessors, simply doesn’t give a fuck what “the people” think, so this time it feels a little like screaming into the wind. I’ll comment anyway, but I feel like the last time his response was basically, “LOL, sew meny librul botz, not real,”

I get what you’re saying, I just think that’s giving all the shitty people an easy out. It’s not like we have full-blown jihads, inquisitions or crusades nowadays, and in the periods in which they existed, there were plenty of wars where religion wasn’t the center.

Religion isn’t the problem. People practicing the religion in a violent way are the problem. These people acted like any respectable human being, whether Muslim/Catholic/Jewish/Buddhist/etc. would react. So it’s more like these are people of peace.

Nah, religion isn’t poison, it’s just that people are small, stupid, and sometimes fucking evil. Petty and/or bad people will be that way, regardless of whether they follow a religion or not.

Does he also ask these questions to Christians?:

Shariah law book and Muhammed Sunna, omg. This dude doesn’t even know the words he is using. There is no Shariah Book. That’s literally a thing that does not exist. And sunnah is the reported sayings and actions of the prophet Mohammed, from various sources - the contents of which can vary wildly depending on which