
And yet, here you are, commenting and everything.

I know this isn’t going to be a popular stance, and a lot of people will hate me for saying it, but I think cancer is bad. There I said. I’m not sorry.

see ya. hope ya get sick and die soon.

If you need a magazine-fed weapon to drop a deer, maybe you should work on your aim instead.

Grew up on a farm in a family of hunters, but sure make another generlization about how i dont know anything about hunting.


Obamacare has been a flawed but good idea. Everyone with a preexisting healthcare condition, i.e., everyone who has been sick or diagnosed with something like “pregnancy”, “acne”, “hypertension”, or “diabetes” can confirm this.

I do agree that it was kind of an unnecessary article but Beth’s reply is rather golden honestly: something that many representatives had only 24 hours to read without CBO/Congressional Budget Office numbers out as probably far more irresponsible to the American people and a greater offense than this article can ever

Yeah, good point, Obama shouldn’t have even tried to improve the lives of the people in this country. I forgot that the presidency is primarily a money-making mechanism for you and your rich friends, not a public servant position.

Does she need to put her hand on a bible or sign a document stating that fact? What is with this sudden need for people to hear the Clintons say in the “right way” that they aren’t running for office? Honestly, it’s that mindset that detrimental to the Democratic Party: “You didn’t really do anything wrong, but we

Well, she’s a woman. You don’t just ‘listen’ to a woman and believe what she says, as though she were a man. First, you need not one video, but TWO videos, which then need to be leaked to Twitter. Then, you need your notarized form, in triplicate, with the two witnesses and the priest.

Here’s a link where she says just that. Seems like people lately don’t take either Clinton woman at their word and need their statements notarized and witnessed by two people and approved by a priest before they will believe it, though.

Thank you so much for voting for Hillary. Too many of my Bernie-supporting friends didn’t. They went “Jill, not Hill,” or wrote in “Bernie” or something. Now they’re bombarding my facebook feed, asking for my support in protecting animals and wetlands and stuff. “Donate money and share! Lives are at stake!” I’m like

I am also disgusted. It’s possible I would physically attack someone for doing this to me.

Preston, thank you so much for this piece. It is disgusting to think that somebody could be so careless and demonstrate such disregard for another person’s bodily and sexual autonomy. I am appalled at the lack sex education, respect and ignorance that people display. Stealthing is absolutely sexual assault, make no