
one African-american gentleman in a red suit who is clearly an out of season reserve mall Santa

This needs to become a widespread thing because I can’t wait for the angry tweets trying to justify the discrepancy.

A better suggestion is fixing the infinite scrolling.

Soooo ummm.... hate to be that guy, but now that Kinja is infinitely scrolling, maybe we can attempt to avoid putting an article with hardcore digital pornography below a story about the SNES Classic, or at least put a bigger NSFW warning on it?

You have no way of knowing what the kid said or if he “doubled down”. This is alternative fact creation at its finest. All that had to happen was the officers ignore anything he says and take the bottle from him.

This is will last forever.

Ah, border patrol.

Header photo: Please, please, PLEASE, will someone stop insisting on trotting out Barron for photo ops. The poor child is consistently miserable at having to be Dad’s token familial prop. Just LOOK at him! Dejected doesn’t cover it.

they also served their time. he isn’t pardoning people who are currently in jail. they should be able to come home just like anyone else who pays their debt to society.

Agreed, military service should be an automatic ticket to citizenship. They served our country and put their lives at risk for it, so they deserve citizenship!

They weren’t undocumented. They had fucking green cards, you nitwit, and should have been naturalized as part of their service.

Dear Dipshit Dodger Donald,

Yes! And that would hurt even more after the GOP loses a bruising election in Georgia on April 18th. If you know anyone who lives in Atlanta, tell them to vote for Jon Ossoff on April 18th in the Georgia 6th District Special Election.

A few more choice quotes from 45 at a campaign rally in Vermont. This was during the GOP primary. There were protesters there too. Security was escorting a protester out when Trump said: “Keep his coat! Confiscate his coat! You know, it’s about 10 degrees below zero outside. You can keep his coat. Tell him we’ll send

I love a good protest, but now is time for results: