
Joss Whedon

lol. You’re right, not everything is about Donny. Hence why I said to pay attention to the start of the video. You know, the part that talks about a “dumb criminal”, the discussion that was being had. You’re not very good at taking things in context, are you? I was noticing that as I read the rest of this discusson.

Relevant. ;) Watch the start of the video.

Do you have somewhere else to put that hope at this time? Even if he is not elected, making the republicans fight for the spot gives hope to the future. If you are in the area, might I suggest going down or giving a call to Ossoff’s headquarters and asking if there is anyway you can help spread the word about him.  

Not to suggest that you aren’t or that it’s your job but have you considered asking him (or more likely, his campaign staff) what can you do to help get the message out?

Is it just me or do they have him in a large sack? Does it not look like a drawstring behind him?

That’s what they need to do but I’m not holding my breath.

The anonymity that the internet provides gives people the ability/courage to act worse than they would in person. People say things on the internet all the time that they would never say to a person’s face.

Sounds like pretty awesome people.

From the article:

Quite outstanding. Thank you for sharing this.

It would seem that Pedro Pablo Kuczynski was the one elected.. Hopefully that will turn out well for the people.

Why do I feel like this is a foreboding tale for the U.S.?