It wasn’t Kavanaugh that did it for me. It was the fact that every single one of them except Mitt Romney refused to hear witnesses at impeachment, despite overwhelming testimony and evidence out there in the world, and they voted to acquit Trump.
It wasn’t Kavanaugh that did it for me. It was the fact that every single one of them except Mitt Romney refused to hear witnesses at impeachment, despite overwhelming testimony and evidence out there in the world, and they voted to acquit Trump.
And they’ve said things like that before. Then they capitulate when they get the right offer.
I have a friend who likes to take mushrooms with people who haven’t seen it and put it on halfway through. He is well on his way to becoming a serial killer.
I would be fine living my life without being emotionally destroyed by Requiem for a Dream again. Amazing film but I can’t do that one again. I tried once years later and gave up about 25 minutes in. I could do it if forced, but not willingly. However, if you haven't seen it you should watch it once, but expect…
My only criticism of the dance sequence is that the actual event (not the practice) is just so god-damned visually captivating that I found it very difficult to pay attention to actually making Cloud perform his little boy band routine.
Or when you have these uber mechs that take like 25 minutes to kill and some dude on a motorcycle bumps it with his back tire and disables it completely.
The fuck? Did they cram every “rich people are the goddamned worst” trope into one building!?
Hot take. Linearity isn’t inherently a bad thing.
You mean this brilliance?
Using “himself” and “herself” is about as personally identifiable at it gets.
OMDog Dachshund Lockheed!
Yeah, and real world humans all descended from central African hunter-gatherers, but we don’t all still look like central African hunter-gatherers.
a purple-haired lesbian surrounded by her teammates with giant “DARE TO SHINE” signs around her is like, an incredible image as we reach the end of Pride Month, it makes my gay little heart so fucking happy.
“When he opens his mouth it’s a vacuous hole: There’s little room for a brain or anything else.”
64 yr old was British, that was his hard Brexit.
I just knew the 2016 election was LARPing somehow.
Because our goddamn society tells the average man that if he doesn’t take the initiative in regards to his sexual impulses, he is pretty much guaranteed to remain forever alone?