I’m not going to lie to you- if those panel gaps are also on the revamped Model S, Tesla’s dead. Gone. Kaput.
I’m not going to lie to you- if those panel gaps are also on the revamped Model S, Tesla’s dead. Gone. Kaput.
Or cars with 130K average miles?
The joke is that you guys hate Alfas and Fiats but love Corvettes. Which is...uh...unfair but based in fact.
No, you probably won’t be. Or even if you are, (which you very well could be, I don’t know you), you’d be in a small minority. Which is why the manual is dead, because enthusiasts won’t buy new manuals. We killed enthusiast cars by not buying new.
Uh, a little late, but yes, scout windshields break a lot. Mine came broken. The seals are impossible to replace easily.
But they won’t buy it, and someone could have bought that one. THAT’s how art works.
Saabs are great and all, but owning a car from a company that no longer exists and which had a reputation for electrical problems is questionably wise at best. I’d grab a Mazda6 as recommended by A-McGee9-3, or maybe, an Audi A4 that’s a few years old. If you want to stay in Sweden, you can go for a nice Volvo.
As far as the evidence states, yeah. He tried to drag her out the window, but she was unconscious and dead weight. Would have been hard to save her, but he seems to have tried.
Haven’t seen it.
Different thing. I understand and agree with your main point, but Ted Kennedy tried to save her and was driving on an extremely dangerous bridge. Laura ran a red light.
Nissan Figaro’s are amazing. They aren’t that much if you can import from Canada, only about $2000-3000 iirc.
Bollinger B1 had the same function.
I don’t know what I’m more surprised about- that you made it to Missouri or that you have to go through Missouri to hit Utah.
This is the most relaxed shutdown of some terrible terrible commenter I’ve ever seen. Jason, you are my favorite.
I’m not saying supporting the second amendment makes you paranoid, I’m saying that a civilian owning a gun makes me inherently less safe. All I have to do is get the wrong guy mad and I’m dead. Cut the wrong dude off in traffic, be the wrong race around some dude, make a sudden move towards some freaked out kid, and…
Why should I give up my safety for your paranoia?
Regulations. REGULATED.
In a lot of areas of India, it’s arguable if it’s a true democracy or not. On paper, it’s the largest.
The 2nd amendment mentions well regulated as part of its text. A trade of liberty to security is written into the constitution itself.
Guns are designed to kill things. Any use outside of that is a byproduct.