People currently have the freedom to use a semi-auto gun. I’m arguing they should give it up.
People currently have the freedom to use a semi-auto gun. I’m arguing they should give it up.
It’s also vital that a large amount of people are willing to give up some freedoms for the safety of everyone else.
Have you seen the Mulsanne?
I think that a legit offensive word has to be created to refer to white people. As one does not really yet exist, maybe if one did, it might help.
Multiple points, actually. Very sharp, and a few of them are on the ground.
I’d send a Volkswagen Beetle. Here’s my argument- no aliens have ever managed to contact us, so we should send a vehicle that matches our values, technical skills, and abilities, all without letting aliens know we are too advanced. A VW Beetle would be clearly mass produced, showing both that we were relatively large…
Hey that’s mean Patriots were fine
Idk, y’all ever been to Philly?
Like 30 unions and a couple companies? Nice try, hot take. Nice try.
Check his stated policies. Although he voted against those bills, he supported others that had similar contents.
I’m harassing you?
I’ll tell you that nobody likes being insulted. You wouldn’t like being insulted on basis of race. Neither do I.
I’m not defending whiteness, I’m tryna get you to give a better argument that won’t make most stop listening. I don’t necessarily disagree, but you aren’t convincing anyone.
You should at least consider having more arguments besides, “He’s white”, and “he’s a member of a political family”, as to why he was a bad choice. If you don’t, you’ll strike a lot of people as everything they hate about liberals. If you really care about change, you shouldn’t alienate people so much.
Good way of putting it. Im nervous that Democrats, in an effort to be more accepting, have become too much like what Republicans accuse them of being. Glad I’m not the only one.
If you want to see ad hominem, check Action, poodlecast, or any of the other bulldogs. Don’t look towards us.
I don’t blame you, but the Kennedy’s were never that bad.
Fuck your total lack of interest in doing anything except make you feel better about the situation you find yourself in. You can’t fucking shout me down, and trying to do so makes you just as bad as the president you profess to hate, when it comes to the civil discourse in America.
They may be bad, or ignorant, but you are a fool if you think they are stupid.