
Having said that, I think presenting them in this way is a bit of a misstep. For me, at least, one of the most intriguing questions about the Mondasian Cybermen is the thought of what precisely is under those cloth masks. If these simulation masters are indeed the Cybermen, they've given a somewhat pat answer to a

Not to mention that running simulations to determine the best way to conquer the planet sounds like a pretty Cybermanly thing to do.

I was half-convinced that the real culprit was going to be emergent, robobee-based AI.

Due respect to Rainn Wilson and Nick Offerman, I don't imagine either of them would look as good in a kinky cop costume as Ash in last week's episode.

You misspelled "Costanza".

Turn your key, STUCK! Turn your key!

Pemberton's role on Superstore is a recurring one. He was on just this past week. I didn't even recognize that it was the same actor until you mentioned it, so good job on him imbuing these characters with distinctive differences, I guess.

It's dangerous to go alone. Take this.

So *that's* what happened to Broots after he left The Center.

I'm not sure if mine has been tingling or not.

Mac and Dennis or GTFO.

The time is finally ripe for that Doctor Who/Archer crossover that's been in the works forever.

*Stuart Gordon* Power?

I place my faith in Bender B. Rodriguez, who definitively states that the recipe is

"Let us hope that the will of good men is enough to counter the terrible strength of this thing that was put in motion."

Of course not. *Affleck in Phantoms* was The Bomb.

Mel Brooks: Boy, Jeff, I really Cronenberged up "The Fly" didn't I? We got a whole film full of Cronenbergs walking around down there.

TommyStevens That really depends on how you define "historical episodes". If you mean episodes set in Earth's past, then yes, McCoy did a few. But "historical episodes" in a DW context has become accepted to mean "episodes with no sci-fi or fantasy elements", by which definition there's been only one story that

Is the Third Doctor completely intact? Last I recall, while all the episodes existed in some form or another, there were a few for which only the black and white versions were extant, with the color copies having been destroyed.

I say give McCoy credit for three years, not two. It was three seasons, after all. In any event, you could claim he was the Doctor from 1987-1996, if you really wanted to, for a full 9 years.