
Fun fact: the copyright for Grace Holloway does not lie with the BBC. Not sure exactly who owns it, but they've been absolutely insistent on the character not appearing in any subsequent media. When Big Finish wanted to cast Ashbrook in a few audios, they had to create an entirely original character for her. Even

Hmmm… I'll agree that the world really needs more screentime for Paul McGann's Doctor. But I still don't see how having McGann or Eccleston play the part that Hurt eventually did is an improvement on things*. I think the moment in "Night of the Doctor" where the Doctor realizes that in this context, even *being the

I'm convinced that Nancy Grace's head will one day spin around to reveal four other faces.

What exactly was "oddly serialized" about the second season of the TV show?

Given that 3-D Homer was voiced by John Ratzenberger, I'm going to assume they were meant to be the Pixar Simpsons.